Year 7 French

Week beginning 20th July

This week's video seminar

Scroll down for this week's tasks.

Learning intentions

  • TBAT to give your opinion on food and drink using positive and negative forms.

  • TBAT complete the end of term assessment

Total study time this week: 2 hours

Office hours

If you have any questions or need support, please join our drop-in Q&A session on Google Meet at the time shown below.

You can also email Mr Savadogo or Miss Sayer at any time.

Lesson title: Glace ou crèpes?

Last week we started module 4 which is about Food and drink. We are going to continue with this module and look at expressing opinions on types of food and drinks.

You can do your work on paper, in a notebook, on PowerPoint, or a word document. You do not need to send it to me but please keep your work safe till we return to school.

Please find the booklet here.

Task 1 – Do now: (10 minutes) Read these statements and decide if the missing words are “French” or “British

Task 2: Write the words under the right pictures. 10 minutes

Task3: Choose the grammatically correct answer. 10 minutes

Task 4: Fill in the gaps with le, la, les or l' .10 minutes

Task 5: Now write your own responses using the correct pronouns (l’/le/la/les). You may need to use the glossary to help you understand the questions. 10 minutes

Task 6: Translate the sentences 15 minutes

Task 7:Read the texts in English, use Use Mots Clés to translate these sentences:

Task 8: Answer the 2 questions in French. 10 minutes.

Task 9: Translate the sentences. Make sure you use the correct article (le/la/l’/les/du/de la/de l’/des)

Task 10: Complete the gaps in the text with the correct article

Task 11: Reading assessment 20 minutes: Read the text and answer the English

Task 12: Writing assessment: 20 minutes: Write your own version of the text.

Copy Quentin’s text but change some of the details so they are true for you. (80 words)

Change a lot of the details and add more information. (100+ words)

Change most of the details, add more information and refer to the past and/or future. Use phrases from the Mots Clés sheet to help you. Make sure that the articles (le/la/les/du/de la/des) are correct. (150+ words)