Year 12 English

Week beginning 20th July

This week's video seminar

This video will give you an understanding of the Non-Exam Assessment. This will give you a foundation for you to begin the process of crafting your report.

Scroll down for this week's tasks.

Learning Intentions

  • to have a clear understanding of the expectations of the NEA;

  • to begin analysis of both texts and to start writing your NEA.

Total study time this week: 3 Hours.

Office hours

If you have any questions or need support please email any queries to:

  • Teacher: Miss Bull

  • Office hours: Monday 1-3 pm/Thursday 2-3 pm.

You can also email your teacher at any time.

Tasks to be submitted by 4pm on Friday:

  • Email Miss Bull with your current NEA work.


At this point you should have started your NEA.

Continue writing. Please email during office hours for any support.

Submit your current NEA by Friday at 4.

Assessment 70 minutes

See Google Classroom for summer assignments.

Reading and the NEA

For an hour each week you should be reading a book (of your choice) that you might want to use in your Non Exam Assessment.

Miss Bull would recommend:

•Animal Farm;

•Lord of the Flies;

•To Kill a Mockingbird;


•Pride and Prejudice;

Supporting your learning

Use the buttons below to explore additional resources to support your understanding of the anthology.