Year 10 Photography

Week beginning 20th July

Scroll down for this week's tasks.

Learning intentions

  • To produce photographs on the theme of water.

  • Use your imagination in the interpretation.

Total study time this week: 2 hours

Office hours

If you have any questions or need support, please email :

  • Mr S Arrandale

  • Office hours: Weds 9-10am

You can also email your teaching staff at any time.

This week's task

Below you will see photographs which have been taken on the theme of water. Your task this week is to photograph water in new and interesting ways.

Before you start:

  1. Consider what you are trying to achieve before taking your photographs

  2. Water and cameras don't go well together so be careful when you're taking. You should not get your camera wet.

  3. Think about using your own ideas with such things as water sprayers, bubbles, cling film etc. Some photographers have taken photographs through glases of water.

  4. Some of these photographs have been taken by using washing up liquid or even adding oil to the surface.