Year 10 Business

Week beginning 20th July

This week's video seminar

Scroll down for this week's tasks.

Learning intentions

  • Re-cap on knowledge gained over the course so far.

Total study time this week: 2 hours

Office hours

If you have any questions or need support, we will be running a live email Q&A at the time shown below.

You can also email Mrs Kinsella at any time.

Tasks to be submitted by 4pm on Friday:

This week you simply need to continue the catch-up if you have missed any of the lessons and for those of you who have completed all work set, you can have a go at the knowledge quiz on the powerpoint.

Previous work set

13th July - home learning

Learning intentions

  • To understand the employment laws that cover the minimum wage and equality.

Total study time this week: 2 hours

The slides to support this week's home learning can be found here.

We are starting to look at legislation this week. The focus will be on employment legislation; you will be given lots of information and examples, before being asked questions about the minimum wage and discrimination at work. You will be asked to answer a learning question at the end of the lesson.

I'm really sorry but I can't get my voiceovers to work this week. Please carefully follow the powerpoint, watch the videos and have a good go at all questions.

6th July - Video seminar

Learning intentions

  • To consolidate learning on technology, ethics and environmental considerations.

Total study time this week: 2 hours

The slides to support this week's home learning can be found here.

This week we are looking at consolidating work completed so far, by responding to feedback. For those students who have missed some of the loom lessons, this week is an opportunity to catch up.

29th June - Video seminar

Learning intentions

  • To understand how businesses consider the environment when developing policies and to understand the benefits and drawbacks of this to businesses.

Total study time: 2 hours

The slides to support the home learning can be found here.

The main focus is looking at environmental considerations within business. You will be asked to use my voiceover and bbc bitesize to support you in answering a series of theory questions. You will then be asked to watch a short video about real businesses and how they are considering the environment in what they do.